Tiller School’s Board of Directors strives to be a diverse leadership group that brings a variety of different perspectives, balance of skills, and broad thinking to the governance of the school.

Our Board of Directors include parents and community members who are interested in making Tiller School a wonderful experience for each child and their families.

Tiller Board of Directors Bylaws are located here.

What does the Tiller Board of Directors do?

The Tiller Board discuss all topics relating to a variety of school matters ranging from budget, oversight, curriculum, and maintaining compliance with applicable laws including the charter school statutes.

The Board is also responsible for adopting various policies to implement Tiller School’s educational mission. Our monthly agendas give more detailed information regarding the BOD meetings. These agendas are posted 5 days prior to the meeting and can be found on the, “Monthly Board Agendas, Minutes, and Recordings” link.

Who attends your meetings and joins the Board
of Directors?

EVERYONE in the community is welcome to attend the meetings. We welcome anyone in the community who believe that they can make positive contributions to Tiller School to apply to become a Board member. Members of the Board of Directors are selected from candidates who apply for these voluntary positions at our annual meeting. Board of Director Members are elected for a 3 year term.

When do you meet?

The Board of Directors meets monthly, typically the third Tuesday of each month.
All meetings are open to the public and begin at 6:30 pm via video conferencing.

How do I become a BOD member?

If you are interested in learning more about the Board of Directors, or have questions or concerns, please contact the Executive Committee.