The Tiller School EC program provides a strong foundation for our student’s academic, social, and emotional development by focusing on building essential skills like language, communication, problem-solving, and social interaction, which ultimately prepares them for success in later grades and beyond; essentially, it helps children develop the necessary skills to be “school ready” from a young age.
If you are new to Tiller School and have questions about special education, please contact Ms. Kim
Moles, our Exceptional Children’s Coordinator at [email protected] or call 252-728-1995. Tiller School strives to make the transition as smooth as possible for each student and family. Tiller School will ensure appropriate services and supports are made available.
Key benefits of the Tiller EC program:
- Improved academic performance: Children exposed to EC programs tend to perform better in reading, math, and other academic areas later on.
- Enhanced social skills: EC programs encourage collaboration, sharing, and conflict resolution, leading to better social interactions with peers.
- Stronger language development: Early exposure to language-rich environments fosters vocabulary growth and communication skills.
- Positive self-esteem: A supportive EC environment can help children develop confidence and a positive self-image.
- Early identification of developmental needs: EC teachers can identify potential learning challenges early on, allowing for timely intervention and support.
- Greater school readiness: Children who participate in EC programs are more likely to be prepared for the academic demands of kindergarten and beyond.
Exceptional Children’s Coordinator: Ms. Kim Moles
Executive Director, 504 Coordinator: Ms. Dee Rosen